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b'MOUNTING BRACKETS MOUNTING BRAMOUNTING BRACKECKETSTSMOUNTING BRACKETS MOUNTING BRAMOUNTING BRACKECKETSTSL Shape Brackets L Shape BrackL Shape BracketsetsL Shape Brackets L Shape BrackL Shape BracketsetsL Shape Mounting Bracket for Single 4" Round Light Chr ome Steel L Brack et with Single 4" Round Lightound LightChrome S teel L Bracket with Single 4" RL Shape Mounting Bracket for Dual Large Oval Lights Chr ome Steel L Brack et with Single 4" Rge Ovound Lightal LightsChrome S teel L Bracket w/ Dual Lartop/Tururn/Tn/Tailail L4302L4300 StSop/T L4302L4323 Park/T n/Tail L4325Stop/Tururn/Clearance L4302Size 6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" D Size. 6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" DSize.6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" DSize 16-1/2" W x 4-1/6" H x 1-9/16" D MatSize. Chr6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" DMaterial16-1/2" W x 4-1/6" H x 1-9/16" DWith 4-7/16" Dia opening Size. Chrome plated steel L bracket bracketerial ome plated steel Lerial ome plated steel LWith two 6-3/4" W x 2-9/16" H openings Features Chr12V LED or incandescent marker light kitMaterial Chrome plated steel L bracket bracketMaterial. Stainless steel, chrome plated steel or black painted steel MatFeatures12V LED or incandescent marker light kitKit Contains . 12V LED or incandescent marker light kitInstallation2 Holes on top Featur es12V LED or incandescent light kitMaterial. Stainless steel, chrome plated steel or black painted steel Kit Contains . Mounting bracket, light, grFeatures Mounting bracket, light, grommet/bezel, wiring/plugsommet/bezel, wiring/plugsInstallation Sold by each, color display bag Kit Contains . Mounting bracket, light, grUnit & Package. 5 Holes on top Unit & P Mounting bracket, light, grommet/bezel, wiring/plugsommet/bezel, wiring/plugsUnit & PackageackageSold by each, color display bagKit Contains . Sold by each, color display bagUnit & Package.Sold by each, color display bag Unit & P Sold by each, color display bagUnit & PackageackageSold by each, color display bagw/Grw/Grommetommet w/Sw/Stainless S w/Chr ome Plastic w/Chr ome Plastictainless Steelteel w/Chrome Plastic w/Chrome Plasticommet w/SBezel 80474 Bezel w/Visor 80477 tainless Steel80473 tainless Steel w/Chrome Plastic Bezel 84329Part No. Description w/Grw/Grommet w/Chrome Plastic Bezel w/Visor 80477 w/SBezel 84329 Lighting S80473 Bezel 80474 w/Chr ome Plastic w/Chrome Plastic Lighting StyletylePart No. Description 80802 Bezel w/Visor 80807 Bezel w/Visor 80477 Bezel 80806 Lighting S80473 Bezel 80474 Bezel 80817 Bezel 84329 Lighting Styletyle81390 Black Bracket 81593 Incand. Am. 8047681593 Incand. Am. 8047681440 Cr. Plated Steel 81441 86542 86544 Incand. Am. 8080081593 Incand. Am. 8047681391 Cr. Plated Steel 81594 Incand. Red 8047181594 Incand. Red 8047181443 Stainless Steel 89150 89152 89153 89151 P Incand. Red 8047181594 Pearl LED A/A 7823081392 Stainless Steel 89110 8911189111 89112 89113 earl LED A/A 7827089110 89112 89113 Pearl LED A/A 7827089110 8915989111 89158 89113 Pearl LED A/C 7823189112 P89119 89118 Pearl LED A/A 7827089119 89118 Pearl LED A/C 78271earl LED A/C 7827189119 89118 Pearl LED A/C 78271Variations and Related Products VaVriaartiiaotniosn asn adn Rde Rlaetleadte Pdr oPdroudcutsctsVariations and Related Products VaVriaartiiaotniosn asn adn Rde Rlaetleadte Pdr oPdroudcutsctsStainless Steel L Bracket with Single 4" Round Light Black S teel L Bracket with Single 4" RBlack Steel L Brack et with Single 4" Round Lightound LightStainless Steel L Bracket with Dual Large Oval Lights L Shape Mounting BrackBlack Steel L Bracket with Single 4" Ret for Triple Laround Lightge Oval LightsStop/Turn/Tail L4301 StSop/T L4303top/Tururn/Tn/Tailail L4303Park/Turn/Clearance L4324 Stop/Turn/Tail L4326Size.6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" DSize 6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" D Size. 6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" D L4303Size 16-1/2" W x 4-1/6" H x 1-9/16" D MatSize. Black painted steel L bracketMaterial24-3/4 W x 4-1/16 H x 1-1/2 Derial 6" W x 6" H x 1-3/16" DMaterial. Stainless steel L bracket Size. Black painted steel L bracketFeatures. Stainless steel L bracket Mates With three 6-3/4" W x 2-9/16" H openings ommetBlack painted steel L bracketMaterial. LED or incandescent marker light kit Featur es.12V Incandescent marker light kit with black grommetFeaturerial 12V Incandescent marker light kit with black grFeatures. Mounting bracket, light, grommet/bezel, wiring and plug MatKit Contains . Stainless steel, chrome plated steel or black painted steelKit Contains 12V LED or incandescent light kit Kit Contains . 12V Incandescent marker light kit with black grerial Mounting bracket, light, 80473 grommet, wiring and plugommetFeaturesMounting bracket, light, 80473 grommet, wiring and plugKit Contains Mounting bracket, light, grommet/bezel, wiring and plug Installation. 5 Holes on top ommet, wiring and plugUnit & Package.Sold by each, color display bag Unit & P Mounting bracket, light, 80473 grKit Contains . Sold by each, color display bagUnit & PackageackageSold by each, color display bagUnit & Package.Sold by each, color display bag Unit & P Sold by each, color display bagUnit & PackageackageSold by each, color display bagw/Grommet w/Stainless Steel w/Chrome Plastic w/Chrome Plasticw/Gr80473ommet w/Chrome Plastic Bezel w/Visor 80477 w/SBezel 84329 Lighting Style ParPt No. Lighting SBezel 80474 w/Chrome Plastic tainless Steel art No. Lighting Styletyle80802 Bezel w/Visor 80807 Bezel 80817 Bezel 80806 Lighting Style Part No. DescriptiontylePart No. Lighting S81595 Incand. Am. 80476 81590 Incand. Am. 8047681590 Incand. Am. 8047681590 Incand. Am. 8047681444 86552 86554 Incand. Am. 80800 81510 Cr. Plated Steel81591 Incand. Red 8047181596 Incand. Red 80471 81591 Incand. Red 8047189154 89156 89157 89155 Pearl LED A/A 78230 81513 Stainless Steel89114 89115 89116 89117 LED Amber 78270 81591 Incand. Red 8047189245 89244 Pearl LED A/C 78231 89259 Black Bracket89205 89204 LED Clear 78271Variations and Related Products VaVriaartiiaotniosn asn adn Rde Rlaetleadte Pdr oPdroudcutsctsVariations and Related Products VaVriaartiiaotniosn asn adn Rde Rlaetleadte Pdr oPdroudcutsctsGrand General Accessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568 Grand General Accesso376 Grand General Accessories LLries LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella WC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | wwway, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | T.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568ax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568 377377Grand General Accessories LLAccessories LLries LLAccessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella WC | 1965 E. Vista Bella WC. All Rights RC. All Rights Reserayeser, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | wwwveday, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | wwwvedGrand General Accessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | F 2023 Grand General Accessories LLax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568C. All Rights Reserved2023 Grand General.GrandGeneral.com | T el 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568ax 888.289.3668 310.631.35683842023 Grand General385377Grand General Accesso .GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | F 2023 Grand General Accessories LLAccessories LLC. All Rights RC. All Rights Resereservedved 2023 Grand General Accessories LLC. All Rights Reserved2023 Grand General 2022 Lighting Catalog VOL16 Part 07 MBR.indd 385 11/22/22 10:19 AM'