b'LED LEDLEDLED LED LED4" Round Stop Turn Tail Lights 4" R ound Stop Ttop Tururn Tn Tail Lightsail Lights4" Round SRectangular Marker Lights Rectangular Marker Lights 4" Round Stop Turn Tail Lights4" Combo LED Flange Mount Light w/ Twist-on Bezel 4" LED Light4" LED Light5-3/4" Rectangular LED Light 5" Rectangular LED Light 4" Combo LED Flange Mount Light w/ Twist-on BezelCombo Series PrPrime Spyime Spyder Serder SeriesiesPrime Series Prime Series Combo SeriesStop/Turn/Tail StSop/Ttop/Tururn/Tn/TailailMarker & Clearance Turn Signal/ Marker & Clearance Stop/Turn/TailBackup Park/T n/ClearanceTurn Signal/ Marker & Clearance L1003 Park/Tururn/Clearance L1004 BackupBack UpBack Up L1004L1280 L1281 L1003LED.9 High power SMD red LED and 4 high power SMD white LED - 12V LEDLED17 LEDs - 12V17 LEDs - 12VSize 4 High power LEDs - 12V: 5-3/4" Dia x 1-9/16" H; w/visor: 5-3/4" Dia x 2-3/16" H LEDSize 4-15/16" Dia x 1-1/8" HEDs - 12V LED.9 High power SMD red LED and 4 high power SMD white LED - 12V.4 High power LLED. Without visor Size 4-15/16" Dia x 1-1/8" HSize 4-in-1 S/T/T backup combination light with patent pending Size 5" L x 1-5/8" W x 3/4" H Size Without visor: 5-3/4" Dia x 1-9/16" H; w/visor: 5-3/4" Dia x 2-3/16" HFeatures. 5-3/4" L x 1-5/8" W x 3/4" H MatMaterial. Sealed polycarbonate lens, reflector and housingeflector and housingerial.Sealed polycarbonate lens, rMaterial. Twist, Lock & Go bezel for a clean anome plastic bezeld smooth finish MatInstallationUses 3-pin light plug 87368, sold separatelyome plastic bezel separately Features. 4-in-1 S/T/T backup combination light with patent pendingSealed polycarbonate lens with chr Installation Sealed polycarbonate lens with chrerial. Uses 3-pin light plug 87368, soldMaterial. DOT Approved single function: hardwired with two 0.180 bullet plugsome plastic bezel InstallationSur3-Pin to 3 female prong adaptor plug 87369 included Twist, Lock & Go bezel for a clean and smooth finishInstallation Sealed polycarbonate lens and housing w/chr 3-Pin to 3 female pr ed with three 0.180 bullet plugsface mount; hardwirong adaptor plug 87369 includedUses 4-pin weather pack plug 88119, sold separately Unit & Package.ackage.Uses triple female light plug 8810Installation Dual function: hardwired with three 0.180 bullet plugs Unit & P Sold by each, "T Material. Sealed polycarbonate lens and housing w/chrome plastic bezelSold by each, "Try Mery Me" display r" display retail package3, sold separately;etail packageUses double/triple female light plug; atent.available in continuous wirUnit & Package.Sold by each, "Try Me" display package PatPent. D785,822 e harness rolls InstallationUses 4-pin weather pack plug 88119, sold separatelyD785,822Patent. Pending for Twist Lock & Go bezele harness rolls, sold separately Unit & Package.Sold by each, "Try Me" display retail package Unit & Package.Sold by each, "Try Me" display packageavailable in continuous wirUnit & Package.Sold by each, "Try Me" display retail package DOT. *Interior/Decorative function does not meet DOT specs Patent. Pending for Twist Lock & Go bezelDOT. *Interior/Decorative function does not meet DOT specsPart No. Options Function LED/Lens Color ParPt No. Function LED/Lens Colo rart No. Function LED/Lens ColorDual Function Single Function Function LED/Lens Color Part No. Function LED/Lens Color Part No. Options Function LED/Lens Colorurn/Clearance76717 With Visor Stop/T Red/Red & Wht./Cl. 74870 Park/T urn/Clearance Amber/Amber rurn/Tail/Backup 74870 Park/T Amber/Ambe74740 74840 Marker & Clearance Amber/Amber 74750 Marker & Clearance Amber/Ambe 76717 With Visor Stop/Turn/Tail/Backup Red/Red & Wht./Cl.74871 Park/Turn/Clearance Amber/Clearr76719 Without Visor Stop/Turn/Tail/Backup Red/Red & Wht./Cl. 74871 Park/T urn/Clearance Amber/Clear74741 74841 Marker & Clearance Amber/Clear 74751 Marker & Clearance Amber/Clear 76719 Without Visor Stop/Turn/Tail/Backup Red/Red & Wht./Cl.74872 Stop/T ail Red/Red74872 Stop/Turn/Turn/Tail Red/Red74742 74842 Marker & Clearance Red/Red 74752 Marker & Clearance Red/Red74873 Stop/Turn/Turn/Tail Red/Clear74873 Stop/T ail Red/Clear74743 74843 Marker & Clearance Red/Clear 74753 Marker & Clearance Red/Clear74875 Back Up White/Clear74875 Back Up White/Clear74744 74844 Int./Decorative White/Clear* 74754 Interior/Decorative *White/Clear74745 74845 Int./Decorative Blue/Blue* 74755 Interior/Decorative *Blue/Blue74746 74846 Int./Decorative Green/Green* 74756 Interior/Decorative *Blue/Clear74757 Interior/Decorative *Green/Green74758 Interior/Decorative *Green/Clear74759 Chrome Plastic BezelVariations and Related Products VaVriaartiiaotniosn asn adn Rde Rlaetleadte Pdr oPdroudcutsctsVariations and Related Products Variations and Related Products Variations and Related ProductsGrand General Accessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568 Grand General Accesso2 Grand General Accessories LLries LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella WC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | wwway, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | T.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568ax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568 3 3Grand General Accessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | F 2023 Grand General Accessories LLax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568eservC. All Rights R ed Grand General Accesso .GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568 Grand General Accessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella Way, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | www.GrandGeneral.com | Tel 800.325.0578 310.631.2589 | Fax 888.289.3668 310.631.3568 2023 Grand General 1142023 Grand General ries LLAccessories LLAccessories LLC | 1965 E. Vista Bella WC. All Rights RC. All Rights Reserayeser, Rancho Dominguez, CA 90220 | wwwvedved 115 2 2023 Grand General Accessories LLC. All Rights Reserved2023 Grand General Accessories LLC. All Rights Reserved2023 Grand General Accessories LLC. All Rights Reserved2022 Lighting Catalog VOL16 Part 01 LED.indd 115 11/22/22 9:31 AM'